Shop Coupons Super Saturday

Saturday 21st October 2017 was Super Saturday at Bookie Bashing Towers.

We scraped lay prices and compared them with Freds Pushes Coupon throughout the morning and afternoon. Lots of teams steamed in and became value; we posted them up here and got on a number of different betslips using permutations of trebles to flatten variance and increase EV. The strategy is available here.

The teams were similar in each bet, but different enough to justify returning for another bet.

Results went our way and we netted £12,324.37 profit for the afternoons work.

The four betslips below were the best four and these combined returned £11,021.44 profit:

(1) £3,161.79 profit
(2) £3,357.35 profit
(3) £1,910.58 profit
(3) £2,591.72 profit

I’ve broken down the EV and results of each betslip.

PS I’m aware I’m being slightly results orientated as the expected value of these four slips was around £220. But if you can’t celebrate when you take Fred for £12,324 on a Saturday afternoon, when can you?!


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