Shots on Target – Historical result of every line 2020 – 2023

We have analysed the results of  Shots on Target from 12,786 players on the xSOT tool at bookiebashing.

  • Data is from 12th September 2020 (the launch of the tool) to 4th May 2023.
  • The 12,786 players resulted in 8,612 shots on target. 
  • 1,579 matches are in the dataset.

We analysed different bias margins to determine the optimal amount to apply to our model:

  • At 8% the tool estimated 8621.8 SOT, 0.11% over the historical recorded result.
  • Closing lines were recorded as data points for each player. 
  • The analysis only looked at players who started the game. It did not consider players who came on as a substitute.
  • The data is available in the excel sheet at the bottom of this page.