Private Group Tracker Instructions
You can now share bets with your team(s) by using the bookiebashing Group Tracker.
The Group Tracker is found on a tab within the bet tracker. The Betbuilder is used to send bets to the Group Tracker.
To Set up a Private Group:
- Go to the bet tracker:
- Navigate to Group Tracker
3. Choose between “Create a Group” and “Join a Group”
Each Group has a Group “ID” and “Group Pass”. When creating a group you must give it a name and a password and then you will be provided with a Group ID. Send the Group ID and Password to all members of your private group to allow them to join.
To send bets to the private tracker:
- Navigate to the betbuilder:
- Construct the bet you would like to share.
- Select “Private Group” from the tracker dropdown.
IMPORTANT – All private group bets posted by a member will be shared with All Groups that member belongs to. A future version update will allow members to send bets to bespoke groups.